Objectives of the Project


Primary objective: Digital sharing of scientific resources


The primary objective of the Polish Platform of Medical Research (PPM) project is digital sharing of scientific resources of the PPM Project Partners through their depositing on project servers in digital format and enriching them with metadata, as well as making them available on the Internet in machine-readable formats.

The objectives of the Polish Platform of Medical Research project have been established based on an analysis of the socio-economic environment and will contribute to meeting the following needs of that environment:




  • Providing open access to full texts of publications, doctoral theses, research data and other documents in a repository.
  • Showcasing research potential of universities and medical institutes on a common platform.
  • Showcasing research achievements of universities and medical institutes on a common platform.
  • Providing access to a database of experts from various medical fields.
  • Promoting Polish scientific output worldwide.
  • Providing unlimited access to data across time and space.
  • Automation of the processes used in creating profiles of researchers and research potential of institutions.
  • Application of research results within the business sector.
  • Option for generating reports and analyses based on the data stored in the repository.
  • Vast access to updates in the area of medicine in Poland.
  • Facilitating access to research funding programmes and rationalizing expenses for scientific research.


The primary objective of the PPM project – digital sharing of scientific resources of the PPM Project Partners – will be fulfilled through achieving the following specific objectives:


Specific objectives


  • Aggregating and providing open access to scientific resources in the areas of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, public health, occupational safety and health, ergonomics and health protection.
  • Creation of a database of experts from various medical fields and facilitating cooperation between research centres and representatives of the socio-economic environment.
  • Improving the quality and openness of the shared resources by increasing their availability according to the Five-Star Open Data scheme.
  • Enabling entities that operate within the area of medicine and related sciences outside of the public financial sector to reuse scientific resources.
  • Increasing access to scientific resources of the Project Partners for the visually impaired and the hearing-impaired by adjusting the format of data and digital presentation of data in line with WCAG 2.0 standards.


The implementation of the project meets all requirements of the Operational Programme Digital Poland:

The primary objective: Strengthening digital foundations for the national development

Specific objective 4: Digital availability and usefulness of public sector information

Priority axis 2: E-government and open government

Action 2.3: Digital availability and usefulness of public sector information

Sub-action 2.3.1: Digital sharing of public sector information from administrative sources and scientific resources


The objectives indicated will be fulfilled through creation of a common platform for showcasing and promoting research achievements and potential. As such, it will directly lead to increasing accessibility and providing option for the reuse of public sector information, i.e. the Project Partners’ resources. The project fulfils the strategic result indicator by establishing a system providing open access to full texts of publications, doctoral theses, research data and other documents in a repository and providing unlimited access to data across time and space, among other things.

    Objectives of the Project