The conference „Otwarty UJ CM”

var spector; var captureOnLoad = false; var captureOffScreen = false; window.__SPECTOR_Canvases = [];

(function() { var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext; HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext = __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext;

if (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') { var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext = OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext; OffscreenCanvas.prototype.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext = __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext;

OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext = function () { var context = null; if (!arguments.length) { return context; }

if (arguments.length === 1) { context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext(arguments[0]); if (context === null) { return context; } } else if (arguments.length === 2) { context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext(arguments[0], arguments[1]); if (context === null) { return context; } }

var contextNames = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webgl2", "experimental-webgl2"]; if (contextNames.indexOf(arguments[0]) !== -1) { // context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]); // Notify the page a canvas is available. var myEvent = new CustomEvent("SpectorWebGLCanvasAvailableEvent"); document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); = "Offscreen"; window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.push(this);

if (captureOnLoad) { // Ensures canvas is in the dom to capture the one we are currently tracking. if (false) { spector.captureContext(context, 500, false, false); captureOnLoad = false; } } }

return context; } }

HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function () { var context = null; if (!arguments.length) { return context; }

if (arguments.length === 1) { context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext(arguments[0]); if (context === null) { return context; } } else if (arguments.length === 2) { context = this.__SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext(arguments[0], arguments[1]); if (context === null) { return context; } }

var contextNames = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webgl2", "experimental-webgl2"]; if (contextNames.indexOf(arguments[0]) !== -1) { context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]); // Notify the page a canvas is available. var myEvent = new CustomEvent("SpectorWebGLCanvasAvailableEvent"); document.dispatchEvent(myEvent);

if (captureOffScreen) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.length; i++) { if (window.__SPECTOR_Canvases[i] === this) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { window.__SPECTOR_Canvases.push(this); } } if (captureOnLoad) { // Ensures canvas is in the dom to capture the one we are currently tracking. if (this.parentElement || false) { spector.captureContext(context, 500, false, false); captureOnLoad = false; } } } return context; } })()


On 24 June 2022, the library of the Jagiellonian University Medical College (UJ CM) held a conference entitled „Otwarty UJ CM” (“Open UJ CM”). The conference showcased the potential of the UJ CM Knowledge Management Platform that is being implemented at the Jagiellonian University. The conference focused on such issues as open access to research publications and research data, knowledge management at medical universities and the projects under implementation, among others. The conference programme and recordings are available at: